Move to the Next Level of your Personal Evolution
Also available as an eBook - $15.29
Introduction to Kundalini Yoga Volume 2 - Inner Guide to Awareness and Self-Initiation by Guru Rattana Ph.D., explains the physiological, mental, and energetic aspects of the Kundalini awakening process and how to evolve from ego to soul consciousness.
This manual examines two fundamental systems that help us understand our energetic make-up and the process of enlightenment:
- The Ten Body System and Numerology that defines the human awareness mechanisms and the path of the soul.
- The Chakra System and the Elements/Tattvas that identify our life challenges and how to develop our powers and gifts.
Within the 172 pages you will find help in optimizing and embracing your personal journey, leading you to experience the joys of self-love, inner peace, and oneness with all.
Companion book Volume 1: Begin and Deepen Your Practice covers the basics which all beginners should learn and strive to perfect.
Save money when you buy our Complete 2-Volume Set.
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In Australia and New Zealand you can purchase it from Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Australia
Great Teaching Aid
Using this book helps elevate my teaching and practice of Kundalini Yoga to new heights. My students love the clarity of its explanations and the accessibility of its teachings.
Guru Rattana PhD, author, teacher, teacher of teachers, enjoys a huge world-wide following for her popular range of Kundalini Yoga books. Her very readable and inspiring approach reflects an experience gained from over 40 years of daily practice.
- Manual (comb binding) 171 pages
- ISBN: 9781888029154
- Publisher: Yoga Technology Press, Edition: 2015
- Catalog: P01022
- Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 x 0.4 inches (27.9 x 21.6 x 1.0 cm)
- Shipping Weight: 1.0 lbs (0.45 kg) - Shipping Options
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (all products): 6